Advance Shoulder Pain Relief Machine | Advino Curalaser

Shoulder Pain

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Shoulder Pain Relief Machine

What most people call the shoulder is really several joints that combine with tendons and muscles to allow a wide range of motion in the arm — from scratching your back to throwing the perfect pitch.

Shoulder pain may arise from the shoulder joint itself or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments or tendons. Shoulder pain that comes from the joint usually worsens with activities or movement of your arm or shoulder and may lead to increasing problems with instability or impingement of the soft tissue or bony structures. You may feel pain only when you move your shoulder, or all of the time. The pain may be temporary or it may continue and require medical diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, individuals experiencing shoulder pain may explore the potential benefits of a shoulder pain relief machine to alleviate their discomfort and enhance their overall shoulder health.

Shoulder Pain Symptoms

  • pain deep in the shoulder joint, in the back or the front of the shoulder and the upper part of the arm. Sometimes the pain in the shoulder can be described as a ‘catching pain’. The location and type of pain is likely to relate to the structure causing the pain
  • reduced movement, and pain when moving your shoulder.
  • weakness of the shoulder/upper arm. Depending on the condition, there may be a sensation of the joint slipping out and back in to the joint socket, or the shoulder can become completely dislodged (dislocated)
  • sensations of pins and needles (tingling) and burning pain. This is more likely to be associated with nerves from the neck than the shoulder joint itself.
  • lack of movement after a shoulder dislocation. This is usually due to pain. Complete rotator cuff tears and injury to the axillary nerve both cause weakness in moving the arm away from the body. These problems require close clinical examination.

Shoulder pain is one of the commonest cause of pain in old age. Pain in shoulder can be damage to ligaments, tendons or muscle such as rotator cuff injury or may be caused by frozen shoulder. Such pain restricts the patient to any movement of shoulder joint. CuraLaser alleviates such pain thereby moving the shoulder comfortable around its joint.

In Which Situation Does Shoulder Pain Cause?

  • Dislocation : If your shoulder is pulled back too hard or rotated too far, the top of your arm might pop out of its socket. You will feel pain and weakness in your shoulder. You may also have swelling, numbness and bruising.
  • Separation : This injury affects the joint where your collarbone and shoulder blade come together. It’s called the acromioclavicular (AC) joint. A fall or hard blow tears the ligaments holding it together. If your collarbone gets pushed out of place, you’ll have a bump on top of your shoulder.
  • Fracture : A bone can break or crack if you fall or take a hard hit. The most common breaks are to the clavicle (collarbone) and the humerus (arm bone closest to your shoulder). You’ll have a lot of pain and it may bruise. If your collarbone is broken, your shoulder can sag and you might not be able to lift your arm.
  • Cartilage tear :. You can injure the cartilage (the rubbery padding) that goes around the rim of your shoulder joint. It can happen after doing the same motion over and over. You can also hurt it in a fall, or anytime your shoulder absorbs a lot of force. With this type of injury, you might feel pain when you reach over your head, and your shoulder could seem weak. It might also feel like it’s catching, locking, or grinding.
  • Rotator cuff tear :. Your rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons in your shoulder that hold your arm in place and let you lift your arm up overhead. You can damage it through overuse or in a fall. It also begins to show wear and tear as you age. Your shoulder may hurt at night and when you try to lift things. You might hear a crackling sound when you move it.
  • Frozen shoulder :. This condition limits how much your joint will move. Abnormal bands of tissue (adhesions) build up in the joint and keep your shoulder from moving freely. Your shoulder might “freeze” because pain or surgery have made you use it less, allowing the adhesions to build up.
  • Impingement : This happens when the tendons of the rotator cuff get pinched in the bones of the shoulder. It can cause swelling and pain. If you lift your arms over your head a lot, it can set this off.
  • Bursitis : The bursa (a fluid-filled sac that cushions in your joint) can get swollen and irritated if you repeat the same motions over and over again. But it can also be caused by a fall or another injury. If you have bursitis, you may notice the pain most when you move your shoulder.
  • Osteoarthritis : Also called degenerative joint disease, this is the most common form of arthritis. It can affect any joint, including your shoulders. The cartilage between bones breaks down, and they rub together. This can cause pain and stiffness.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis : This is a disease that causes your body’s immune system to attack the protective lining in your joints. It can also cause pain and stiffness in your shoulders.
  • Referred pain : Sometimes your shoulders hurt when there’s nothing wrong with them. This can be a sign of trouble with your gallbladder, liver or another organ.
  • Heart attack : If your shoulder hurts and you have trouble breathing or your chest feels tight, you might need emergency medical help right away.
  • Tendinitis : This is when the tendons that make up your rotator cuff get inflamed. It can happen slowly over time or as the result of a fall or a direct hit to your shoulder.
  • Bone spurs : Also known as “osteophytes,” these small, smooth pieces of bone rub up against and wear on your rotator cuff and keep your shoulder from moving the way it should. They can lead to tendinitis or a rotator cuff tear.

How to Diagnose Shoulder Pain?

The first step in the evaluation is a thorough medical history. Your doctor may ask how and when the pain started, whether it has occurred before and how it was treated, and other questions to help determine both your general health and the possible causes of your shoulder problem. Because most shoulder conditions are aggravated by specific activities, and relieved by specific activities, a medical history can be a valuable tool in finding the source of your pain. Furthermore, your doctor may recommend exploring the potential benefits of a shoulder pain relief machine as part of your treatment plan.

Physical Examination

A comprehensive examination will be required to find the causes of your shoulder pain. Your doctor will look for physical abnormalities, swelling, deformity or muscle weakness, and check for tender areas. He or she will observe your shoulder range of motion and strength.


  • X-rays These pictures will show any injuries to the bones that make up your shoulder joint.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound These imaging studies create better pictures of soft tissues. MRI may help your doctor identify injuries to the ligaments and tendons surrounding your shoulder joint.
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan This tool combines x-rays with computer technology to produce a very detailed view of the bones in the shoulder area.
  • Electrical studies Your doctor may order a test, such as an EMG (electromyogram), to evaluate nerve function.
  • During this x-ray study, dye is injected into the shoulder to better show the joint and its surrounding muscles and tendons. It may be combined with an MRI.
  • In this surgical procedure, your doctor looks inside the joint with a fiber-optic camera. Arthroscopy may show soft tissue injuries that are not apparent from the physical examination, x-rays, and other tests. In addition to helping find the cause of pain, arthroscopy may be used to correct the problem.

Treatments to Cure Shoulder Pain


Physiotherapists are specialists who can help reduce your shoulder pain and show you how to improve the way your shoulder works by using a variety of strengthening and stretching exercise, massage and other therapeutic techniques.

They’ll work with you to improve your symptoms and help get your shoulder moving properly again. What they suggest for you will depend on whether your problem is short-term or a long-standing condition. Almost everyone will benefit from physiotherapy, which may involve the use of a shoulder pain relief machine and various methods such as:

  • exercises to strengthen weakened muscles, change their co-ordination and improve function
  • advice on improving shoulder, neck and spine posture
  • exercises to ease or prevent stiffness
  • exercise to increase the range of joint movement
  • applying adhesive tape to the skin to reduce the strain on the tissues, and to help increase your awareness of the position of the shoulder and shoulder blade
  • manual treatments to the soft tissues and joints – such as massage and manipulation.

Steroid Injections

The steroid is usually given with a local anaesthetic to ease the pain. You should find your shoulder pain improves quite quickly.

The injection reduces inflammation and allows you to move your shoulder more comfortably. The pain relief should also make your physiotherapy exercises easier. It isn’t usually recommended to have more than two or three injections into your shoulder as this can do more damage to the joint. Some steroid injections may be done with the help of ultrasound imaging. This allows the inflamed tissues to be seen on a monitor and makes sure the injection is given in the correct area.


Most shoulder problems improve without surgery. If you do need an operation it can often be performed using keyhole techniques, which require a smaller incision and tend to reduce your recovery time.

Keyhole surgeries include

  • subacromial decompression which involves trimming bone and tissue at the top of the shoulder. This can help if you keep having shoulder impingement which has not improved after physiotherapy and injections. It can give the rotator cuff tendons space to move freely
  • repairing tears in the rotator cuff
  • releasing the tight capsule of a frozen shoulder.

Conventional open surgery, where a surgeon makes an incision large enough to see the entire damaged area, may sometimes be needed. For example, to repair larger tears in the rotator cuff or for joint replacements. Shoulder replacement is well established and can be very successful, particularly for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, when severe pain stops you moving your shoulder properly. There is also a newer type of shoulder operation called a reverse shoulder replacement. In this procedure the ball and socket are reversed. This helps if your rotator cuff tendons have been damaged by arthritis.

Precautions that Prevent from Shoulder Pain

Most people with shoulder pain will recover from their condition. For many there will need to be a commitment to an exercise-based rehabilitation program. It may also be necessary to make modifications to your lifestyle and work practices that aggravate shoulder pain.

  • Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) may help.
  • Rest: Avoid using your shoulder in ways that cause or worsen pain.
  • Ice : Apply an ice pack to your painful shoulder for 15 to 20 minutes a few times each day.
  • Stay active and gently move your shoulder
  • Try shoulder exercises for 6 to 8 weeks to stop pain returning
  • Stand up straight with your shoulders down and gently back
  • Sit with a cushion behind your lower back. Rest your arm on a cushion in your lap
  • Do not completely stop using your shoulder – this can stop it getting better
  • Do not make up your own strenuous exercises or use heavy gym equipment
  • Do not slouch when sitting – do not roll your shoulders or bring your neck forward

Advino CuraLaser is best shoulder pain relief machine and also cures other pains as well. Visit our YouTube channel for a better understanding on how to get the best results with our pain relief laser machine. Please contact our customer care for more help.

References :–conditions/shoulder-pain-and-common-shoulder-problems/,can%20become%20completely%20dislodged%20(dislocated)

Use of CuraLaser to Treat your Shoulder Pain

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